Alte activitati de servicii
5 clase
Spalarea si curatarea (uscata) articolelor textile si a produselor din blana
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products
FRA - Blanchisserie teinturerie
GER - Wã¤scherei und chemische reinigung
This class includes:
- laundering and dry cleaning, pressing etc., of all kinds of clothing (including fur) and textiles, provided by mechanical equipment, by hand or by self-service coin-operated machines, whether for the general public or for industrial or commercial clients
- laundry collection and delivery
- carpet and rug shampooing and drapery and curtain cleaning, whether on clients' premises or not
- provision of linens, work uniforms and related items by laundries
- diaper supply services
This class excludes:
- renting of clothing other than work uniforms, even if cleaning of these goods is an integral part of the activity, see 77.29
- repair and alteration of clothing, see 95.29
Coafura si alte activitati de infrumusetare
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
FRA - Coiffure et soins de beautã¹
GER - Frisã¶r- und kosmetiksalons
This class includes:
- hair washing, trimming and cutting, setting, dyeing, tinting, waving, straightening and similar activities for men and women
- shaving and beard trimming
- facial massage, manicure and pedicure, make-up etc.
This class excludes:
- manufacture of wigs, see 32.99
Activitati de pompe funebre si similare
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Funeral and related activities
FRA - Services funã¹raires
GER - Bestattungswesen
This class includes:
- burial and incineration of human or animal corpses and related activities:
• preparing the dead for burial or cremation and embalming and morticians' services
• providing burial or cremation services
• renting of equipped space in funeral parlours
- rental or sale of graves
- maintenance of graves and mausoleums
This class excludes:
- religious funeral service activities, see 94.91
- cemetery gardening, see 81.30
Activitati de intretinere corporala
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Physical well-being activities
FRA - Entretien corporel
GER - Saunas, solarien, bã¤der u. ã„.
This class includes:
- activities of Turkish baths, sauna and steam baths, solariums, reducing and slendering salons, massage salons etc.
This class excludes:
- medical massage and therapy, see 86.90
- activities of health, fitness and body-building clubs and facilities, see 93.13
Alte activitati de servicii n.c.a.
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Other personal service activities n.e.c.
FRA - Autres services personnels n.c.a.
GER - Erbringung von sonstigen dienstleistungen a. n. g.
This class includes:
- astrological and spiritualists' activities
- social activities such as escort services, dating services, services of marriage bureaux
- pet care services such as boarding, grooming, sitting and training pets
- genealogical organisations
- activities of tattooing and piercing studios
- shoe shiners, porters, valet car parkers etc.
- concession operation of coin-operated personal service machines (photo booths, weighing machines, machines for checking blood pressure, coin-operated lockers etc.)
This class excludes:
- veterinary activities, see 75.00
?- coin-operated washing machines, see 96.01
?- coin-operated gambling machines and coin-operated games, see 92.00
Legislatia utilizata
CAEN Rev.2 este implementata la nivel national incepand cu 01.01.2008, conform Ordinulului nr. 337/2007 al Presedintelui Institutului National de Statistica, privind actualizarea Clasificarii activitatilor din economia nationala – CAEN, publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 293 din 03/05/2007.
Actualizarea CAEN Rev.2 a fost efectuata cu respectarea prevederilor Regulamentului Comisiei Europene Nr. 1893/2006 de modificare a Regulamentului Consiliului Comunitatii Economice Europene Nr.3037/90 privind Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana – NACE Rev.2. Rubinian va pune la dispozitie corespondenta CAEN rev.2 cu NACE rev.2, inclusiv explicatiile pe marginea codurilor (in limba engleza).
Cuvinte cheie
Cuvinte cheie: codul CAEN 2024, coduri CAEN, cod CAEN, codurile CAEN, codificarea CAEN