Comert cu amanuntul al altor bunuri, in magazine specializate
9 clase
Grupa 477 face parte din
Sectiunea G - Comert cu ridicata si cu amanuntul; repararea autovehiculelor si motocicletelor
Diviziunea 47 - Comert cu amanuntul, cu exceptia autovehiculelor si motocicletelor
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2 ?NACE rev.2 este Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana, utilizat in toate statele membre.
CAEN este traducerea acestui nomenclator.
ENG - Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores
FRA - Autres commerces de dã¹tail en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Einzelhandel mit sonstigen gã¼tern (in verkaufsrã¤umen)
Descriere (limba engleza)
?Descrierea este prezentata in limba engleza, fiind textul oficial conform NACE rev.2 (Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana).
Traducerea in limba romana nu este disponibila in format electronic, autoritatile romane oferind-o publicului doar in format tiparit, contra cost, desi este o simpla traducere a unei clasificari la nivel european care poate fi consultata gratuit de catre orice persoana.
Versiunea in limba romana este traducerea fidela a prezentului text din limba engleza.
This group includes the sale in specialised stores carrying a particular line of products not included in other parts of the classification, such as clothing, footwear and leather articles, pharmaceutical and medical goods, watches, souvenirs, cleaning materials, weapons, flowers and pets and others. Also included is the retail sale of used goods in specialised stores.
Inchide Documente Rubinian corespondente (14)
Comert cu amanuntul al imbracamintei, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail d'habillement en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Einzelhandel mit bekleidung
This class includes:
- retail sale of articles of clothing
- retail sale of articles of fur
- retail sale of clothing accessories such as gloves, ties, braces etc.
This class excludes:
- retail sale of textiles, see 47.51
Comert cu amanuntul al incaltamintei si articolelor din piele, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Retail sale of footwear and leather goods in specialised stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail de chaussures et d'articles en cuir en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Einzelhandel mit schuhen und lederwaren
This class includes:
- retail sale of footwear
- retail sale of leather goods
- retail sale of travel accessories of leather and leather substitutes
This class excludes:
- retail sale of special sports equipment footwear such as ski boots, see 47.64
Comert cu amanuntul al produselor farmaceutice, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Dispensing chemist in specialised stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail de produits pharmaceutiques en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Apotheken
This class includes:
- retail sale of pharmaceuticals
Comert cu amanuntul al articolelor medicale si ortopedice, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Retail sale of medical and orthopaedic goods in specialised stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail d'articles mã¹dicaux et orthopã¹diques en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Einzelhandel mit medizinischen und orthopã¤dischen artikeln
Comert cu amanuntul al produselor cosmetice si de parfumerie, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Retail sale of cosmetic and toilet articles in specialised stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail de parfumerie et de produits de beautã¹ en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Einzelhandel mit kosmetischen erzeugnissen und kã¶rperpflegemitteln
This class includes:
- retail sale of perfumery, cosmetic and toilet articles
Comert cu amanuntul al florilor, plantelor si semintelor; comert cu amanuntul al animalelor de companie si a hranei pentru acestea, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilisers, pet animals and pet food in specialised stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail de fleurs, plantes, graines, engrais, animaux de compagnie et aliments pour ces animaux en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Einzelhandel mit blumen, pflanzen, sã¤mereien, dã¼ngemitteln, zoologischem bedarf und lebenden tieren
Comert cu amanuntul al ceasurilor si bijuteriilor, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail d'articles d'horlogerie et de bijouterie en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Einzelhandel mit uhren und schmuck
Comert cu amanuntul al altor bunuri noi, in magazine specializate
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Other retail sale of new goods in specialised stores
FRA - Autre commerce de dã¹tail de biens neufs en magasin spã¹cialisã¹
GER - Sonstiger einzelhandel in verkaufsrã¤umen (ohne antiquitã¤ten und gebrauchtwaren)
This class includes:
- retail sale of photographic, optical and precision equipment
- activities of opticians
- retail sale of souvenirs, craftwork and religious articles
- activities of commercial art galleries
- retail sale of household fuel oil, bottled gas, coal and fuel wood
- retail sale of weapons and ammunition
- retail sale of stamps and coins
- retail trade services of commercial art galleries
- retail sale of non-food products n.e.c.
Comert cu amanuntul al bunurilor de ocazie vandute prin magazine
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores
FRA - Commerce de dã¹tail de biens d'occasion en magasin
GER - Einzelhandel mit antiquitã¤ten und gebrauchtwaren
This class includes:
- retail sale of second-hand books
- retail sale of other second-hand goods
- retail sale of antiques
- activities of auctioning houses (retail)
This class excludes:
- retail sale of second-hand motor vehicles, see 45.1
- activities of Internet auctions and other non-store auctions (retail), see 47.91, 47.99
- activities of pawn shops, see 64.92
Legislatia utilizata
CAEN Rev.2 este implementata la nivel national incepand cu 01.01.2008, conform Ordinulului nr. 337/2007 al Presedintelui Institutului National de Statistica, privind actualizarea Clasificarii activitatilor din economia nationala – CAEN, publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 293 din 03/05/2007.
Actualizarea CAEN Rev.2 a fost efectuata cu respectarea prevederilor Regulamentului Comisiei Europene Nr. 1893/2006 de modificare a Regulamentului Consiliului Comunitatii Economice Europene Nr.3037/90 privind Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana – NACE Rev.2. Rubinian va pune la dispozitie corespondenta CAEN rev.2 cu NACE rev.2, inclusiv explicatiile pe marginea codurilor (in limba engleza).
Cuvinte cheie
Cuvinte cheie: codul CAEN 2024, coduri CAEN, cod CAEN, codurile CAEN, codificarea CAEN