Repararea articolelor fabricate din metal, repararea masinilor si echipamentelor
8 clase
Grupa 331 face parte din
Sectiunea C - Industria prelucratoare
Diviziunea 33 - Repararea, intretinerea si instalarea masinilor si echipamentelor
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2 ?
NACE rev.2 este Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana, utilizat in toate statele membre.
CAEN este traducerea acestui nomenclator.
ENG - Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
FRA - Réparation d'ouvrages en métaux, de machines et d'équipements
GER - Reparatur von metallerzeugnissen, maschinen und ausrüstungen
Descriere (limba engleza)
Descrierea este prezentata in limba engleza, fiind textul oficial conform NACE rev.2 (Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana).
Traducerea in limba romana nu este disponibila in format electronic, autoritatile romane oferind-o publicului doar in format tiparit, contra cost, desi este o simpla traducere a unei clasificari la nivel european care poate fi consultata gratuit de catre orice persoana.
Versiunea in limba romana este traducerea fidela a prezentului text din limba engleza.
This group includes the specialised repair of goods produced in the manufacturing sector with the aim to restore these metal products, machinery, equipment and other products to working order. The provision of general or routine maintenance (i.e. servicing) on such products to ensure they work efficiently and to prevent breakdown and unnecessary repairs is included.
This group excludes:
- rebuilding or remanufacturing of machinery and equipment, see corresponding class in divisions 25-31
- cleaning of industrial machinery, see 81.22
- repair and maintenance of computers and communications equipment, see 95.1
- repair and maintenance of household goods, see 95.2
Inchide Documente Rubinian corespondente (32)
Repararea articolelor fabricate din metal
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair of fabricated metal products
FRA - Réparation d'ouvrages en métaux
GER - Reparatur von metallerzeugnissen
This class includes the repair and maintenance of fabricated metal products of division 25.
This class includes:
- repair of metal tanks, reservoirs and containers
- repair and maintenance for pipes and pipelines
- mobile welding repair
- repair of steel shipping drums
- repair and maintenance of steam or other vapour generators
- repair and maintenance of auxiliary plant for use with steam generators:
• condensers, economisers, superheaters, steam collectors and accumulators
- repair and maintenance of nuclear reactors, except isotope separators
- repair and maintenance of parts for marine or power boilers
- platework repair of central heating boilers and radiators
- repair and maintenance of fire arms and ordnance (including repair of sporting and recreational guns)
- repair and maintenance of shopping carts
This class excludes:
- sharpening of blades and saws, see 33.12
- repair of central heating systems etc., see 43.22
- repair of mechanical locking devices, safes etc., see 80.20
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair of machinery
FRA - Réparation de machines et équipements mécaniques
GER - Reparatur von maschinen
This class includes the repair and maintenance of industrial machinery and equipment like sharpening or installing commercial and industrial machinery blades and saws; the provision of welding (e.g. automotive, general) repair services; the repair of agricultural and other heavy and industrial machinery and equipment (e.g. forklifts and other materials handling equipment, machine tools, commercial refrigeration equipment, construction equipment and mining machinery), including machinery and equipment of division 28.
This class includes:
- repair and maintenance of non-motor vehicle engines
- repair and maintenance of pumps, compressors and related equipment
- repair and maintenance of fluid power machinery
- repair of valves
- repair of gearing and driving elements
- repair and maintenance of industrial process furnaces
- repair and maintenance of lifting and handling equipment, including lifts, elevators and moving walkways
- repair and maintenance of industrial refrigeration equipment and air purifying equipment
- repair and maintenance of commercial-type general-purpose machinery
- repair of power-driven hand-tools
- repair and maintenance of metal cutting and metal forming machine tools and accessories
- repair and maintenance of other machine tools
- repair and maintenance of agricultural tractors
- repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery and forestry and logging machinery
- repair and maintenance of metallurgy machinery
- repair and maintenance of mining, construction, and oil and gas field machinery
- repair and maintenance of food, beverage, and tobacco processing machinery
- repair and maintenance of textile apparel, and leather production machinery
- repair and maintenance of papermaking machinery
- repair and maintenance of plastic and rubber machinery
- repair and maintenance of other special-purpose machinery of division 28
- repair and maintenance of weighing equipment
- repair and maintenance of vending machines
- repair and maintenance of cash registers
- repair and maintenance of photocopy machines
- repair of calculators, electronic or not
- repair of typewriters
This class excludes:
- repair and maintenance of furnaces and other heating equipment, see 43.22
- installation, repair and maintenance of elevators and escalators, see 43.29
- repair of computers, see 95.11
Repararea echipamentelor electronice si optice
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair of electronic and optical equipment
FRA - Réparation de matériels électroniques et optiques
GER - Reparatur von elektronischen und optischen geräten
This class includes the repair and maintenance of goods produced in groups 26.5, 26.6 and 26.7, except those that are considered household goods.
This class includes:
- repair and maintenance of the measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment of group 26.5, such as:
• aircraft engine instruments
• automotive emissions testing equipment
• meteorological instruments
• physical, electrical and chemical properties testing and inspection equipment
• surveying instruments
• radiation detection and monitoring instruments
- repair and maintenance of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment of class 26.60, such as:
• magnetic resonance imaging equipment
• medical ultrasound equipment
• pacemakers
• hearing aids
• electrocardiographs
• electromedical endoscopic equipment
• irradiation apparatus
- repair and maintenance of optical instruments and equipment of class 26.70, if the use is mainly commercial, such as:
• binoculars
• microscopes (except electron and proton microscopes)
• telescopes
• prisms and lenses (except ophthalmic)
• photographic equipment
This class excludes:
- repair and maintenance of photocopy machines, see 33.12
- repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment, see 95.11
- repair and maintenance of computer projectors, see 95.11
- repair and maintenance of communication equipment, see 95.12
- repair and maintenance of commercial TV and video cameras, see 95.12
- repair of household-type video cameras, see 95.21
- repair of watches and clocks, see 95.25
Repararea echipamentelor electrice
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair of electrical equipment
FRA - Réparation d'équipements électriques
GER - Reparatur von elektrischen ausrüstungen
This class includes the repair and maintenance of goods of division 27, except those in class group 27.5 (domestic appliances).
This class includes:
- repair and maintenance of power, distribution, and specialty transformers
- repair and maintenance of electric motors, generators, and motor generator sets
- repair and maintenance of switchgear and switchboard apparatus
- repair and maintenance of relays and industrial controls
- repair and maintenance of primary and storage batteries
- repair and maintenance of electric lighting equipment
- repair and maintenance of current-carrying wiring devices and non current-carrying wiring devices for wiring electrical circuits
This class excludes:
- repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral computer equipment, see 95.11
- repair and maintenance of telecommunications equipment, see 95.12
- repair and maintenance of consumer electronics, see 95.21
- repair of watches and clocks, see 95.25
Repararea si intretinerea navelor si barcilor
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair and maintenance of ships and boats
FRA - Réparation et maintenance navale
GER - Reparatur und instandhaltung von schiffen, booten und yachten
This class includes the repair and maintenance of ships and boats. However, the factory rebuilding or overhaul of ships is classified in division 30.
This class includes:
- repair and routine maintenance of ships
- repair and maintenance of pleasure boats
This class excludes:
- factory conversion of ships, see 30.1
- repair of ship and boat engines, see 33.12
- ship scrapping, dismantling, see 38.31
Repararea si intretinerea aeronavelor si navelor spatiale
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft
FRA - Réparation et maintenance d'aéronefs et d'engins spatiaux
GER - Reparatur und instandhaltung von luft- und raumfahrzeugen
This class includes the repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft.
This class includes:
- repair and maintenance of aircraft (except factory conversion, factory overhaul, factory rebuilding)
- repair and maintenance of aircraft engines
This class excludes:
- factory overhaul and rebuilding of aircraft, see 30.30
Repararea si intretinerea altor echipamentelor de transport n.c.a.
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair and maintenance of other transport equipment
FRA - Réparation et maintenance d'autres équipements de transport
GER - Reparatur und instandhaltung von fahrzeugen a. n. g.
This class includes the repair and maintenance of other transport equipment of division 30, except motorcycles and bicycles.
This class includes:
- repair and maintenance of locomotives and railroad cars (except factory rebuilding or factory conversion)
- repair of animal drawn buggies and wagons
This class excludes:
- factory overhaul and rebuilding of locomotives and railroad cars, see 30.20
- repair and maintenance of military fighting vehicles, see 30.40
- repair and maintenance of shopping carts, see 33.11
- repair and maintenance of railway engines, see 33.12
- repair and maintenance of motorcycles, see 45.40
- repair of bicycles, see 95.29
Repararea altor echipamente
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Repair of other equipment
FRA - Réparation d'autres équipements
GER - Reparatur von sonstigen ausrüstungen
This class includes the repair and maintenance of equipment not covered in other groups of this division.
This class includes:
- repair of fishing nets, including mending
- repair or ropes, riggings, canvas and tarpaulins
- repair of fertiliser and chemical storage bags
- repair or reconditioning of wooden pallets, shipping drums or barrels, and similar items
- repair of pinball machines and other coin-operated games
- restoring of organs and other historical musical instruments
This class excludes:
- repair of household and office type furniture, furniture restoration, see 95.24
- repair of bicycles, see 95.29
- repair and alteration of clothing, see 95.29
Legislatia utilizata
CAEN Rev.2 este implementata la nivel national incepand cu 01.01.2008, conform Ordinulului nr. 337/2007 al Presedintelui Institutului National de Statistica, privind actualizarea Clasificarii activitatilor din economia nationala – CAEN, publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 293 din 03/05/2007. CAEN Rev.2 este inlocuita de CAEN Rev.3.
Actualizarea CAEN Rev.2 a fost efectuata cu respectarea prevederilor Regulamentului Comisiei Europene Nr. 1893/2006 de modificare a Regulamentului Consiliului Comunitatii Economice Europene Nr.3037/90 privind Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana – NACE Rev.2. Rubinian va pune la dispozitie corespondenta CAEN rev.2 cu NACE rev.2, inclusiv explicatiile pe marginea codurilor (in limba engleza).
Cuvinte cheie
Cuvinte cheie: codul CAEN 2024 , coduri CAEN, cod CAEN, codurile CAEN, codificarea CAEN