Productia de tuburi, tevi, profile tubulare si accesorii pentru acestea, din otel
1 clase
Productia de tuburi, tevi, profile tubulare si accesorii pentru acestea, din otel
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings, of steel
FRA - Fabrication de tubes, tuyaux, profilés creux et accessoires correspondants en acier
GER - Herstellung von stahlrohren, rohrform-, rohrverschluss- und rohrverbindungsstücken aus stahl
This class includes:
- manufacture of seamless tubes and pipes of circular or non-circular cross section and of blanks of circular cross section, for further processing, by hot rolling, hot extrusion or by other hot processes of an intermediate product which can be a bar or a billet obtained by hot rolling or continuous casting
- manufacture of precision and non-precision seamless tubes and pipes from hot rolled or hot extruded blanks by further processing, by cold-drawing or cold-rolling of tubes and pipes of circular cross section and by cold drawing only for tubes and pipes of non circular cross section and hollow profiles
- manufacture of welded tubes and pipes of an external diameter exceeding 406,4 mm, cold formed from hot rolled flat products and longitudinally or spirally welded
- manufacture of welded tubes and pipes of an external diameter of 406,4 mm or less of circular cross section by continuous cold or hot forming of hot or cold rolled flat products and longitudinally or spirally welded and of non-circular cross section by hot or cold forming into shape from hot or cold rolled strip longitudinally welded
- manufacture of welded precision tubes and pipes of an external diameter of 406,4 mm or less by hot or cold forming of hot or cold rolled strip and longitudinally welded delivered as welded or further processed, by cold drawing or cold rolling or cold formed into shape for tube and pipe of non-circular cross section
- manufacture of flat flanges and flanges with forged collars by processing of hot rolled flat products of steel
- manufacture of butt-welding fittings, such as elbows and reductions, by forging of hot rolled seamless tubes of steel
- threaded and other tube or pipe fittings of steel
This class excludes
- manufacture of seamless tubes and pipes of steel by centrifugally casting, see 24.52
Legislatia utilizata
CAEN Rev.2 este implementata la nivel national incepand cu 01.01.2008, conform Ordinulului nr. 337/2007 al Presedintelui Institutului National de Statistica, privind actualizarea Clasificarii activitatilor din economia nationala – CAEN, publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 293 din 03/05/2007. CAEN Rev.2 este inlocuita de CAEN Rev.3.
Actualizarea CAEN Rev.2 a fost efectuata cu respectarea prevederilor Regulamentului Comisiei Europene Nr. 1893/2006 de modificare a Regulamentului Consiliului Comunitatii Economice Europene Nr.3037/90 privind Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana – NACE Rev.2. Rubinian va pune la dispozitie corespondenta CAEN rev.2 cu NACE rev.2, inclusiv explicatiile pe marginea codurilor (in limba engleza).
Cuvinte cheie
Cuvinte cheie: codul CAEN 2024 , coduri CAEN, cod CAEN, codurile CAEN, codificarea CAEN