Fabricarea produselor din lemn, pluta, paie si din alte materiale vegetale
5 clase
Fabricarea de furnire si a panourilor din lemn
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels
FRA - Fabrication de placage et de panneaux de bois
GER - Herstellung von furnier-, sperrholz-, holzfaser- und holzspanplatten
This class includes:
- manufacture of veneer sheets thin enough to be used for veneering, making plywood or other purposes:
• smoothed, dyed, coated, impregnated, reinforced (with paper or fabric backing)
• made in the form of motifs
- manufacture of plywood, veneer panels and similar laminated wood boards and sheets
- manufacture of oriented strand board (OSB) and other particle board
- manufacture of medium density fibreboard (MDF) and other fibreboard
- manufacture of densified wood
- manufacture of glue laminated wood, laminated veneer wood
Fabricarea parchetului asamblat in panouri
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Manufacture of assembled parquet floors
FRA - Fabrication de parquets assemblăąs
GER - Herstellung von parketttafeln
This class includes:
- manufacture of wooden parquet floor blocks, strips etc., assembled into panels
This class excludes:
- manufacture of unassembled wooden floors, see 16.10
Fabricarea altor elemente de dulgherie si tamplarie, pentru constructii
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery
FRA - Fabrication de charpentes et d'autres menuiseries
GER - Herstellung von sonstigen konstruktionsteilen, fertigbauteilen, ausbauelementen und fertigteilbauten aus holz
This class includes:
- manufacture of wooden goods intended to be used primarily in the construction industry:
• beams, rafters, roof struts
• glue-laminated and metal connected, prefabricated wooden roof trusses
• doors, windows, shutters and their frames, whether or not containing metal fittings, such as hinges, locks etc.
• stairs, railings
• wooden beadings and mouldings, shingles and shakes
- manufacture of prefabricated buildings, or elements thereof, predominantly of wood, e.g. saunas
- manufacture of mobile homes
- manufacture of wood partitions (except free standing)
This class excludes:
- manufacture of kitchen cabinets, bookcases, wardrobes etc., see 31.01, 31.02, 31.09
- manufacture of wood partitions, free standing, see 31.01, 31.02, 31.09
Fabricarea ambalajelor din lemn
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Manufacture of wooden containers
FRA - Fabrication d'emballages en bois
GER - Herstellung von verpackungsmitteln, lagerbehă¤ltern und ladungstră¤gern aus holz
This class includes:
- manufacture of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings of wood
- manufacture of pallets, box pallets and other load boards of wood
- manufacture of barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products of wood
- manufacture of wooden cable-drums
This class excludes:
- manufacture of luggage, see 15.12
- manufacture of cases of plaiting material, see 16.29
Fabricarea altor produse din lemn; fabricarea articolelor din pluta, paie si din alte materiale vegetale impletite
Corespondenta cu NACE rev.2:
ENG - Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials
FRA - Fabrication d'objets divers en bois; fabrication d'objets en liege, vannerie et sparterie
GER - Herstellung von holzwaren a.n.g, kork-, flecht- und korbwaren (ohne mă¶bel)
This class includes:
- manufacture of various wood products:
• wooden handles and bodies for tools, brooms, brushes
• wooden boot or shoe lasts and trees, clothes hangers
• household utensils and kitchenware of wood
• wooden statuettes and ornaments, wood marquetry, inlaid wood
• wooden cases for jewellery, cutlery and similar articles
• wooden spools, cops, bobbins, sewing thread reels and similar articles of turned wood
• other articles of wood
- natural cork processing, manufacture of agglomerated cork
- manufacture of articles of natural or agglomerated cork, including floor coverings
- manufacture of plaits and products of plaiting materials: mats, matting, screens, cases etc.
- manufacture of basket-ware and wickerwork
- manufacture of fire logs and pellets for energy, made of pressed wood or substitute materials like coffee or soybean grounds
- manufacture of wooden mirror and picture frames
- manufacture of frames for artists' canvases
- manufacture of wooden shoe parts (e.g. heels and lasts)
- manufacture of handles for umbrellas, canes and similar
- manufacture of blocks for the manufacture of smoking pipes
This class excludes:
- manufacture of mats or matting of textile materials, see 13.92
- manufacture of luggage, see 15.12
- manufacture of wooden footwear, see 15.20
- manufacture of matches, see 20.51
- manufacture of clock cases, see 26.52
- manufacture of wooden spools and bobbins that are part of textile machinery, see 28.94
- manufacture of furniture, see 31.0
- manufacture of wooden toys, see 32.40
- manufacture of brushes and brooms, see 32.91
- manufacture of coffins, see 32.99
- manufacture of cork life preservers, see 32.99
Legislatia utilizata
CAEN Rev.2 este implementata la nivel national incepand cu 01.01.2008, conform Ordinulului nr. 337/2007 al Presedintelui Institutului National de Statistica, privind actualizarea Clasificarii activitatilor din economia nationala – CAEN, publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 293 din 03/05/2007.
Actualizarea CAEN Rev.2 a fost efectuata cu respectarea prevederilor Regulamentului Comisiei Europene Nr. 1893/2006 de modificare a Regulamentului Consiliului Comunitatii Economice Europene Nr.3037/90 privind Nomenclatorul Activitatilor din Comunitatea Europeana – NACE Rev.2. Rubinian va pune la dispozitie corespondenta CAEN rev.2 cu NACE rev.2, inclusiv explicatiile pe marginea codurilor (in limba engleza).
Cuvinte cheie
Cuvinte cheie: codul CAEN 2024, coduri CAEN, cod CAEN, codurile CAEN, codificarea CAEN